A hole in the wall between the two upper collecting chambers is Atrial septal defect (ASD) or between the two bottom pumping chambers is Ventricular septal defect (VSD). How severe is the symptom depends on the size and the location of the defect and can range from no symptoms at all to severe heart failure.
The surgical treatment for ASDs and VSDs is open-heart surgery. The heart is stopped and opened. Then the hole is closed with a patch made of a synthetic material like Dacron or a patch of pericardium (the thick sac that surrounds the heart).
An ASD VSD device closure open heart surgery can cost between USD 3,990 – USD 5,985. Complications are minimal, and the length of stay in the hospital is about three days. For VSDs, there is a small risk of heart block by damage to the heart’s conduction system (1% risk) and can be helped using a pacemaker.