In Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH), a small split is created before inserting the embryo in uterus in the hope that this hatching helps in implantation of the embryo. The procedure begins after 3 days of fertilization. In this process of assisted hatching, the zona pellucida that covers the foetus, either becomes extremely thin or just get ruptured. In most cases, laser is employed for breaking down the Zona Pellucida. Embryo can be moved to uterus just after one day of hatching if the patient utilizes IVF with LAH. The procedure is most helpful for women who are over the age of 38 or the ones who have already undergone at least 2 unsuccessful IVF treatments. In cases where the embryo of a couple is malfunctioning, assisted hatching might also be prescribed for boosting up the success rate of pregnancy.