Learn everything; about what Limb Lengthening is, the process and the limb lengthening surgery cost in India. It is a procedure to lengthen the bones in the arms or legs. It is done as a gradual process so that the bones and soft tissues (skin, muscles, nerves, etc.) slowly increase in length. Lengthening works by separating the bone and distracting (pulling apart) the bone segments very slowly so that new bone continues to form in the gap. As the bone segments are slowly distracted, the bone regenerates, resulting in increased length.
During the lengthening surgery, an osteotomy is performed. An osteotomy is a surgical cut of the bone. Once the bone is separated, the fixator is applied. Limb lengthening can also be combined with gradual or acute deformity correction. Typically, the limb lengthening process takes several months. After surgery, most patients stay in the hospital for two to three days, and inpatient rehabilitation begins the day after surgery. A normal Limb Lengthening surgery cost in India is around USD 7,500 – USD 8,000 for both legs (excluding all the hospital facilities).