A hair transplant is a procedure in which hair follicles from the back or side of the head are moved to a bald area of the head. It typically takes place in a medical office under local anaesthesia.
Side effects from the procedure are usually minor and clear up within a few weeks. However, your scalp may be sore after the procedure, and you may need to take medication. Most people can return to work a few days after surgery.
You may need three or four sessions to get the full head of hair you desire. These sessions occur several months apart to allow each transplant to heal fully. One session can take four or more hours.
Your stitches will be removed about ten days after surgery.
Most people will see some amount of new hair growth 8 to 12 months after surgery. Anywhere from 10 to 80 per cent of the transplanted hair will fully grow back in an estimated three to four months.
Hair transplantation cost in India is around USD 532 to USD 6,649 depending on the procedure.