A splenectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a diseased or damaged spleen. The spleen is a delicate, fist-sized organ that sits under the left rib cage near the stomach. It is part of the immune system and also removes old and damaged blood particles from your system. It also helps the body identify and kill bacteria.
There are several reasons why a spleen might need to be removed. It includes low platelets or RBC count as they get destroyed in the spleen. Some diseases (like sickle cell disease) modify the shapes of RBCs which then get destroyed when the spleen fails to recognize them.
Identifying spleen problems include is usually through an evaluation that typically includes a complete blood count (CBC) to look at the amount, sizes and shapes of the cells in your blood. The confirmation and the final steps are anyways taken after an ultrasound or an MRI.
Spleen removal (or Splenectomy) is done with an incision locating the spleen and then removing it. Splenectomy would require around 3-4 days in the hospital, depending upon the conditions and the suggestions of the surgeon. The cost depends on the type of surgery you’re having – open or laparoscopic and can start around USD 1,991.